Unified Transport System
For this project, my team and I were asked by KCAP to redesign an entire transport system with a focus on Eindhoven a model city. We took on this challenge and created the concept we call the Unified Transport System. The idea rests on the principle that a user should be able to go from A to B in the most efficient way possible. The Unified Transport System contains different elements to make this possible.
Technical explanation
This concept has been inspired by the universal cargo container. Its invention revolutionized the way we transport goods. No longer did people have to manually move the goods from one container to the other when changing the mode of transportation. The universal cargo container allows goods to be transported by water, road and rail without ever requiring to shift between containers.
We asked: why can we transport our goods so efficiently, but not ourselves? This is the question where our idea struck. We have so many ways of going from A to B (walking, biking, car, taxi, bus, train, airplane, boat) but none of them are really connected with each other. It takes time and effort to go from one mode of transport to the other. That is what the Unified Transport System solves.
In this concept, there are pods. Pods are the environment wherein people sit while traveling. This pod can be connected to different driving mechanisms that allow it to move. For example: a battery powered car chassis for roads, a drone for air, a rails chassis for monorail.
With intelligent computer algorithms, the system can figure out what the most time and cost efficient travel method is. This concept should make mobility faster, cheaper, safer and more comfortable.
Project information
Project: Jeroen Bosch College, Technasium, Junior year
Date: 02-2018 - 06-2018
Development time: 15 weeks
Team members: Berend Moormann, Ymke Broeren
Involved parties: KCAP, Gemeente Eindhoven