Playgrounds designed for the 21st century


Playgrounds are used less in today’s time. Their designs have become outdated and replaced for technologies that keep kids at home. In this project, we thought about how we could make playgrounds relevant for cities and helpful for the development of children. We’ve done this by creating a challenge to charge a battery for an evening light show. The battery can be charged by the use of play equipment.

Technical explanation


This concept works through some electric components that will be integrated within all the playground equipment. When an equipment is used, it gets noticed by sensors. The intensity of the movement is sent to a big battery placed at the playground using a bluetooth signal. This battery is then charged that amount using a solar panel.

When the battery is fully charged, it notifies everyone with an app and a light and sound show will take place that evening. This brings parents and children together to create a community feeling within the neighbourhood.

Project information


Project: TU/e Industrial Design, Project 1

Date: 02-2020 - 06-2020

Development time: 16 weeks

Team members: Hanna van Rixtel, Vasil Nikolov, Isa Moorman

Involved parties: TU/e, Playground Energy, WijZijnJong

My contribution: Team lead, Ideation, 3D visualization, Technical workings, Prototyping, Video editing




Dubai EXPO pavilion